t. 585-753-2550
f. 585-753-2560
e. Monroe@cornell.edu
w. monroe.cce.cornell.edu

Leftovers . . . YAY!


Turkey…drumsticks, breast meat, gravy…Leftovers, yay!!

Check our our tips below to help keep you and your loved ones safe during family meals.

  • Store your leftovers in a timely manner. 
  • Discard any turkey, stuffing or gravy left out at room temperature for longer than 2 hours; 1 hour in temperatures above 90 degrees F.
  • Divide leftovers into small portions in shallow containers for quicker cooling.
  • Refrigerated leftovers need to be consumed within 3 to 4 days.
  • Frozen leftovers, use within 2 to 6 months for best quality.

Helpful Food Safety Resources:

Let's Talk Turkey: A Consumer Guide to Safely Roasting a Turkey

Leftovers and Food Safety

And a great recipe for leftover turkey:

Quick Turkey Rice Soup