A new Climate Stewards training program at Cornell Cooperative Extension Monroe County (CCE-Monroe) is now taking applications for its second 12-module training this spring. This effort will equip participants to act to address climate change in their communities through educational outreach and steward-led climate smart projects. We need you to help us make this program part of Monroe County’s approach to combating climate change!
For more information, please contact Antonius Chess, Natural Resource Educator, at arc279@cornell.edu or (585) 753-2564.
The Climate Stewards training consists of 12 modules taught over 12 weeks, beginning on March 25th, 2023 and will be held in-person. In each of the first 10 trainings, trainees will cover a specific climate change topic, with additional outside readings, videos and group activities designed to develop skills needed to lead and educate their communities in climate science, adaption, and mitigation.
Throughout the course, trainees will design an individual or group community action project that they will present and discuss in the final two class sessions. This program’s curriculum was developed by Cornell University in partnership with CCE-Monroe.
Climate Smart Communities (CSC) is a multi-state agency effort led by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYDEC). CSC outlines concrete action lists of steps communities can take to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, adapt for a changing climate, and become more resilient in the face of new environmental challenges. Climate Stewards volunteers will use the CSC action list to determine what municipalities have already done and opportunities to take action.
Antonius "TeJay" Chess
Natural Resources Educator
Last updated March 5, 2025