Agriculture Energy Audit Program


NYSERDA launched the Agriculture Energy Audit Program in March 2016. The Program offers farms and on-farm producers no-cost energy audits that provide recommendations for energy efficiency measures. The Program also offers assistance identifying and accessing funding to implement the measures identified in the audits. Three levels of audits are offered:

Level 1: This walk-through energy audit provides a summary letter with limited evaluation of feasible energy efficiency measures. This level is ideal for smaller operations with minimal energy use or for quick assessments.

Level 2: This detailed energy audit analyses the farm’s previous year’s utility bills along with equipment specifications and run-time information for that equipment. This information will then be used to help calculate estimated energy savings for energy efficiency upgrades on the farm. The comprehensive report will provide a list of recommended measures with associated energy and cost savings and measure payback. This audit meets ANSI/ASABE 612 standards. This level is the most common and the best option for most farms.

Level 3: This energy audit is focused on a specific system, energy efficiency measure, or renewable energy. This report is ideal for operations with a complex system to be analyzed beyond standard energy efficiency upgrades, or if the farm is interested in renewable energy.

Once the audit report has been completed, NYSERDA’s program implementer, EnSave, will assist each farm in identifying the most appropriate measures to implement and programs to pursue for implementation funding. There are several options available, including programs through utilities and the federal government.

Funding for audits is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Call 800-732-1399 or email to discuss program options and obtain an application.

Agriculture Energy Audit Program

Last updated July 28, 2016