

Log-Growing Mushrooms

Log-Home Growing



Parasol Mushroom

Parasol Mushroom


What Are They?

Mushrooms are often considered the vegetables, but they are actually a fungus.  Most edible mushrooms are macro-fungi, the kind we can see with naked eye. The name “mushroom” has been given to over 38,000 varieties of fungus that possess the same threadlike roots and cap. And, while mushrooms and toadstools (poisonous mushrooms) are not the most numerous or economically significant fungi, they are the most easily recognized.

A Friend or Foe?

Throughout the history, mushrooms have gained reputation of both - delicious or dangerous. Today, we can find safe to eat, tasty mushrooms at the grocery stores, but it wasn’t always so. Over the centuries,  inexperienced mushroom hunters caused many fatalities, giving edible mushrooms bad reputation. 

But, as we’ve learn more about food-safe kinds, they have become less dark and mysterious.  In addition, with the recent focus on locally sourced food and foraging, the allure of the mushroom is growing.


Jarmila Haseler
Agriculture and Food System Educator
(585) 753-2565

Last updated July 26, 2019