Have you ever thought about using your knowledge and skill to help your neighbor woodland owners? Join the hundreds of woodland owners who have served their neighbors since 1994.
As a woodland owner you have a special set of skills that you could share with other woodland owners in your area. These skills are enhanced by educational resources available through Cornell Cooperative Extension and Cornell’s ForestConnect program.
Learn how to merge your skills with existing resources so you can be a volunteer that helps other woodland owners more thoroughly enjoy and manage their property.
You are invited to the annual training for Cornell’s Master Forest Owner (MFO) volunteers. MFO volunteers work through Cornell Cooperative Extension to visit woodland owners in their county and direct them towards resources that help them manage their woodlands. This training is open for new volunteers and previously trained volunteers seeking a refresher.
Training Information:
Owners interested in becoming a volunteer should start the process here:
For consideration to participate in the training, follow these steps to be completed by April 6:
Within 6 months of the training:
If you have any questions about the MFO program, you can learn more at www.CornellMFO.info or from Program Director Peter Smallidge at pjs23@cornell.edu or 607-592-3640.
Last updated March 2, 2021