Horticulture is the science, art, and business of cultivating ornamental plants. This includes home gardening, arboriculture interior-scaping, landscape and turf grass installation and maintenance, and includes the production of related plant material in nurseries, fields, and greenhouses. Well-designed, healthy landscapes that are carefully maintained conserve soil, protect water quality and prevent nutrient and pesticide run-off. Responsible production practices, both in the greenhouse and in the field ensure that growers protect those same resources.
Cornell Cooperative Extension's Horticulture Program supports the industry with research-based information from Cornell University, combined with local experience and feedback from area businesses. The program offers a range of ways to provide information, and serve your horticulture needs.
Our Commercial Horticulture team supports the nursery and landscape businesses in Monroe County through IPM support, an annual pesticide applicator course, diagnostic soil, plant and insect support, business consultations, and more. Major outreach focuses on workforce development and urban gardening support.
Our Gardening program focuses on the Master Gardener Volunteer Program, home landscape and lawns, flower and vegetable gardens, trees and shrubs, plant diseases, and pests in and outside of the home.
Our Diagnostic Clinic provides a range of diagnostic services to identify plant diseases/insects, weeds, other insects, and soil pH. With correct identification of a problem, a management plan will be recommended. Diagnosis takes place in the laboratory at our office in Rochester, Additional tests are offered through other lab facilities.
Cornell Greenhouse Horticulture covers topics including: greenhouse crops and culture; structures & equipment; pests & diseases; and business & marketing.
Cornell University Horticulture Department includes recent research, distance learning opportunities, information on gardening, fruit & vegetable production; landscape, greenhouse & turf; sustainable agriculture & agroforestry; connections to grower groups, and continuing education.
Branching Out is a newsletter available by subscription from Cornell University, concerning Integrated Pest Management/IPM for trees and shrubs.
Last updated October 20, 2022