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CONTACT: Leslie Pude, 4-H Program Team Lead,, (585) 753-2567
4-H connects youth to hands-on learning opportunities that help them grow into competent, caring, contributing members of society in our county’s urban, suburban, and rural communities.
Social Media: 4-H Facebook - 4-H Twitter - 4-H Instagram
CONTACT: Jarmila Haseler, Agricultural & Food Systems Educator,, (585) 753-2565
The Agriculture program supports commercial growers through educational programs and connects residents with local food sources and on-farm experiences while enhancing the viability of farms and economic well-being of our community.
CONTACT: Challis Mathes, Horticulture Team Leader,, (585) 753-2557
The Horticulture provides research-based horticulture information for home gardeners and commercial horticulture businesses. Commercial horticulture topics include: lawn care, landscaping, sports turf, garden retail, ornamental horticulture greenhouses, school and municipal ornamental horticulture.
(Consumer Horticulture/Home Gardening)
CONTACT: Ashly Piedmont, Master Gardener Volunteer Coordinator,, (585) 753-2558
The Master Gardeners are trained volunteers who teach the community about horticulture and sustainable home gardening practices and provide educational programs and activities. Home gardening topics include: home landscape lawns, flower and vegetable gardens, trees & shrubs, plant diseases, and insect pests in and outside the home.
Social Media: Master Gardener Facebook - Master Gardener Instagram
CONTACT: Challis Mathes, Horticulture Team Lead,, (585) 753-2557
The Diagnostic Clinic provides diagnostic services to identify plant diseases, insects, weeds, & soil pH. With correct identification of a problem, a management plan will be recommended. Diagnosis takes place in the laboratory of the Monroe County office.
CONTACT: TeJay Chess, Natural Resources Educator,, (585) 753-2654
Natural Resources education and outreach informs the community about the natural world and environmental initiatives people can take to make Monroe County more sustainable. It works with regional environmental organizations to support their goals with Cornell research and outreach.
SNAP CONTACT: Shelby DePew, Lead Nutritionist,, (315)226-8135
MONROE CONTACT: Alyssa VanValkenburg, County Nutrition Educator,, (585)753-2572
The Nutrition program's goals include increasing fruit and vegetable consumption, decreasing sugary beverage consumption, and bringing attention to caloric balance and physical activity.
CONTACT: Michele Connors, Master Food Preserver Volunteer,
The Master Food Preserver Volunteer provides education on proper and safe food preservation and canning techniques, including jam making, dehydration, food saving, pickling, fermenting and more.
Andrea Lista
Executive Director
Last updated February 28, 2025