Rhubarb Pie

Rhubarb Pie with Merinque on Top

Second stage

Mature Rhubarb Plant

Harvested stalks

Harvested Rhubarb Stalks


Rhubarb isa perennial plant grown widely in our gardens and one of the first food plants harvested, usually in mid- to late spring (April or May), in the North East U.S. With enough space (it can grow up to 3-4ft wide), well drained soil and good amount of organic matter, they will produce for many years to come.

While the leaves are slightly toxic, the stalks are used in pies and other foods for their tart flavor. Freshly cut stocks should be firm and glossy, they can be consumed as soon as they are harvested. The stalk color can vary from the crimson red, light pink, to simply light green. This is due to the amount of anthocyans, depending on both rhubarb variety and production technique. The color doesn't affect the cooking suitability. The green varieties can be surprisingly sweet. But due to the plant's high level of oxalic acid, they all taste on a acidic side. That is why we cook them, bake them, can them or jelly them - and put lots of sugar in them!

Home-Made Brown Sugar Rhubarb Pie with Meringue on Top (Serves 8)


  • 1/2 cup of butter
  • 1 cup flower
  • 1 cup sugar

Mix the ingredients, roll out or pinch pastry into a pie dish. Bake in a 450*F oven for 5 - 10mins.


  • 1 - 1 1/4 cups brown sugar
  • 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 4 cups finely chopped rhubarb
  • 3 eggs

Combine sugar, flour and rhubarb. Mix and let sit for 15mins. Separate egg yolks from whites, set whites aside. Stir yolk into rhubarb mix. 

Transfer the mix in to partially baked pastry shell. Reduce oven to 375*F and bake for 25mins. Whip the whites and spread evenly on top of partially baked pie. Bake additional 15mins. Cool on rack.



Jarmila Haseler
Agriculture and Food System Educator
(585) 753-2565

Last updated May 30, 2023